Sunday, November 2, 2008

Elton's Still Standing. Jimmy's Still Here. I'm Still Loving It All!

What a most enjoyable weekend the end of October brought! On Oct 24, my friend Cindi, my daughter in law Maggie and I attended Elton John's Red Piano at Caesar's Palace. It was amazing. This was my 12th time seeing Elton John perform live and he is truly getting better all the time. (I know that's a Beatles' line, but whatever.) His voice sounded the best I've ever heard it and the staging was amazing. A little too amazing sometimes. It was hard to concentrate on Elton with all that was going on.
I hear there are only two engagements left when this one is over. Do not miss it. Do whatever you have to do to get there. It is ever so worth it.

After spending the night in "affordable luxury" at the South Pointe, Cindi, Maggie and I ventured down to Margaritaville to attend the street party, do a little shopping at Smuggler's Cove, eat some cheeseburgers (in paradise), and get tuned up for the Buffett concert that night. The street party was fun, but it really belongs on a beach or at least a lawn. It was great fun though and I am sure Cindi picked up many, many new ideas for hats

Colt had to miss Elton and fly down from Salt Lake just in time to go to the Jimmy Buffett concert at the MGM Grand Arena. He was a little bitter about it, but made the best of the situation and flew down in full Elvis garb and personality. He was very popular with the flight crew and they made a much bigger fuss over him than Vince Vaughn who was also on the flight. Yeah, he was in heaven getting all that attention.

My "other son/sort of nephew" Brad and his wonderful wife Mandi (we are all SO thankful Brad found Mandi) drove in from Southern California to join us. Brad made his own Elvis costume so he and Colt were "ELVI" together. Mandi dressed as a sailor and Maggie was a pirate. Cindi made great hats for us to wear so we were only somewhat upstaged by the kids.

I had taken Colt, Brad and Maggie to Buffett concerts before, but this was a new experience for Mandi and Cindi. They got right into though and are now totally hooked on Parrothead Madness. There really is nothing like a Jimmy Buffett concert. You find all ages there. Grown people dressed as salt shakers, sharks, boats and hula dancers. Not to mention people wearing blenders on their heads. The whole audience was on their feet from the first strains of "Piece of Work" to the final encore. Everyone sang along and danced with no thought at all of making a fool of themself. It just doesn't get any better!

After the show we headed to Johnny Rockets. This seems to be our late night eating spot in Vegas these days. At least it is since Colt discovered apple pie with melted cheddar cheese on top. Then it was back to affordable luxury for a little sleep.

Sunday morning we had a bit of a problem finding some breakfast food. We did locate some at the Cheesecake Factory. I highly recommend it as a breakfast spot. Then we headed back to our real lives.


I can hardly wait until next year.


Mandyyyyyy said...

What an AWESOME weekend! Thank you so much! I can't wait to get ELVIS IN THE HOUSE again!